Image of Leafy canopy

The Importance of being PEFC and FSC Certified

In the wake of the current climate crisis, it is of great importance that every company works to reduce their carbon footprint, especially in the construction industry. By using timber, a renewable and a greenhouse positive product, at BCL we are already making steps to reduce the carbon footprint of the buildings we work on. Trees are essential to all kinds of life and it is vital that they are used in a sustainable way.



PEFC and FSC are just two of the many companies working to certify that timber is sourced ethically. They work to protect forests globally, meaning “we can all benefit from the products that forests provide now, while ensuring these forests will be around for generations to come” (PEFC). These companies run a global system which consists of Forest Management and Chain of Custody. By working with stakeholders across the globe, they allow consumers to use certified timber from well managed forests worldwide. These forests harvest timber in a sustainable way, by replanting trees and taking care of their workers with fair pay and working hours.

Through using timber from these certified sources, we are reducing the need for other carbon heavy materials such as aluminium in construction. Throughout the production process, one tonne of aluminium releases 9.3 tonnes of CO2 whereas timber actually absorbs 1.7 tonnes of CO2 from the atmosphere. This example alone shows the importance of replacing carbon positive materials with natural products. Obtaining timber from these accredited sources will not only reduce the carbon footprint your building has, but will support correct management of our forests, guaranteeing this valuable material will continue to be widely available for the future.